By Dr. Craig D. Reid
As the summer cinema season draws to a close, which for all intents and purposes has not been a banner summer for Hollywood, the limited release Centurion will catch many people off guard. On the surface, some filmgoers may assume it’s a low budgeted 300 (2006) meets the Gladiator (2000) ala Naked Prey (1966), and in sense it is, but that’s a positive attribute. And similar to Avatar (2009), there’s a hidden, obvious message in regard to the state of the wars in the Middle East and Great Britain’s involvement. Yet there is also something very honestly biting about the movie that at the end of the day is unsettlingly pongniant.
Centurion’s director, Neil Marshall, grew up at one end of Britain’s famous landmark, Hadrian’s Wall, in Newcastle upon Tyne, and worked for many years at the other, in Cumbria County.

Under the direction of Roman Emperor Publius Aelius Hadrianus (A.D. 76-138; emperor from A.D. 117-138), Hadrian’s Wall, which was the Northern most reaching part of the Roman empire in England (Britannia at the time), began construction in A.D. 122 and was completed in six years. A whopping 73.5 miles long that stretched from the North Sea to the Irish Sea, it was 16-20 feet high and 9.7 feet wide.
Which brings up an interesting question. Why would the Romans, back then the most powerful empire in the known world, construct such a huge wall to be so vast and impenetrable? What did the Romans fear and what were they protecting themselves from?
Marshall imagined that this legendary and powerful tribe, believed to have populated the Caledonian mountains around the 1st Century, might have ambushed this Ninth Legion. Thus, he began to plot the concept around this premise. Marshall then centered the story around a lone member of the Roman army who might have survived the initial attack, and had to fight his way back home through enemy territory.

With all the backstabbing and philosphical tenets that are touched upon in the film, Marshall was certainly reflecting the conservative nature of his politics in regard to Britain’s involvement in the war in Iraq, as Dias, a faithful follower of Hadrian about faces and bluntly avers that the war against the Picts is all for nothing.

The action is not for the faint hearted as the fights are basically short, quick edits of overly bloody decapitations, limb severings and disembowelments, with enough draining blood to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool. Watch out for those 2012 London Summer Games. Yet the action is not about the shock value for the sake of doing a manly-man, violent period piece, but is there to match the kind of brutality that Steven Spielberg tried to equate in the reality of war as seen in Saving Private Ryan (1998).
Although historically Hadrian is considered to be the third of the Five Good Emperors, Marshall portrays Hadrian as a man of dishonor. So is it a coincidence that Centurion opens during the same week that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair goes on his book tour defending his stance on getting involved in the war in Iraq?
One major or minor error of the film (depending on who you are), is when Dias tells his fellow soldiers that he and them are but pawns in a game of chess for the powerful politicians. The earliest forms of chess appeared in 6th century India and didn’t reach England until 1066, when during the Battle of Hasting, the French Normans successfully defeated the English army and began the Norman Conquest of England.
I guess one could say to Marshall, “You should have checked…mate.”