According to Quentin Tarantino, when it comes to martial arts cinema, the 1970s is the most important decade for the genre. Apart from kung fu films becoming an international phenomena and being brought to the masses, the 1970s had major breakthroughs in fight choreography and filmmaking, and we saw the rise of the genre’s most influential […]
Martial Arts
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows – Another “Holmes” Run
By Dr. Craig D. Reid Growing up in England and reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories on Sherlock Holmes, scanning 1960’s English comic books featuring Holmes-influenced characters, and watching the eloquently shrouded Holmes on umpteen TV shows and films, one can become attached to the Holmes that was. So comparing the true Victorian Holmes created […]
Former Disney Actor Shin Koyamada Becomes a Manga Comic Book Character
By Dr. Craig D. Reid The dynamic epic manga comic Dreamhoppers, the debut brainchild of Laizen Comics, features actor/philanthropist Shin Koyamada, star of the Disney Channel’s top rated original movie Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior, as warrior leader Ren Matsuo who leads a team of five Dreamhoppers into the Dreamworld as to stop an evil entity […]
By Dr. Craig D. Reid It’s that time of the year again, and if you’re a fan of Asian films like I am, then that eclectic far out martial skill called the 10,000 bee technique should not be bugging you but alarming you to the magnetic, electric and eccentric buzz of Fant-Asia and martial arts […]
Killer Elite: No Sam Peckinpah Film
By Dr. Craig D. Reid Killer Elite is a dirty, gritty, brutally honest film. So what exactly does this mean? First off it’s not even close to the original far out film of the same name that Sam Peckinpah did back in 1975, which featured a dirty performance by Robert Duval, a gritty portrayal of mercenary […]
KUNG FU PANDA 2- Master the Po-ssibilities
By Dr. Craig D. Reid He’s baaaack, and this time it’s…awesome. What better way is there to pander to this summer’s moviegoers? Bring back one of the most im-Po-rtant pandas in the world. No, it’s not Chi Chi, Ling Ling or Hsing Hsing but the star of Kung Fu Panda 2 (KFP2; aka KFP2: The […]