By Dr. Craig D. Reid Old Bruce Willis enters the Little Big Man (1970) as with his latest outrageous, bodacious and audacious action thriller, he would undoubtedly paraphrase Old Lodge Skins and blurt, “It is a good day to die….hard.” Good Day to Die Hard is as farfetched as any other Die Hard film can […]
THE HOBBIT: Sure To Be a “Hobbit” Forming Story
By Dr. Craig D. Reid Before I get cracking on this film adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s enchanting and scrumptious, written for young lasses and lads novel, “The Hobbit,” let me share my initial observations on what The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey looks and feels like. Apparently director Peter Jackson is introducing a new controversial technology […]
13th San Diego Asian Film Festival: Three Landmark Changes
By Dr. Craig D. Reid Yes, I hear you all out there, I am of course rather biased toward martial arts films, but in the words of Steve Martin, “Well, excuuuuuuuuse me.” As most of you know by now, they only literally saved my life. But the 13th San Diego Asian Festival (SDAFF), which runs […]
CLOUD ATLAS: Yellow Facing Racism?
By Dr. Craig D. Reid Now before everyone get’s all wowee-zowee with the make up jobs, where each main star plays 4-6 characters (which is actually rather neat), or gets confused by a typical Wachowski sibling (Lana and Andy) writing and directing event (yes Larry and Andy’s Matrix was cool but even the actors didn’t […]
PARANORMAN…NORMAN…No, he’s not Psycho
By Dr. Craig D. Reid I’ve got to open with a wee spoiler only because I think about 99.99% of the viewers won’t get it or won’t see it. Being that this awesomely cool film is being released one week after the London Olympic games, let’s just say that there’s a ultra neat homage to […]
By Dr. Craig D. Reid Bourne free, as free as the sequels blow, as free as the character arc grows, Bourne to follow your orders. Live free and death surrounds you, your assassinations will astound you, each time you pull the trigger. Stay free, where all walls divide you, you’re free only if you fake […]